Sunday 8 February 2015

Current Favourites

Hi lovelies! Can you believe it's already February? I'm still coming to terms with how fast the year is going. I haven't been blogging as much as I would like to, and I'm determined to change that this month. I thought I'd post some of my current favourites since I absolutely love reading these types of posts from other bloggers. First off is my favourite album, which is Vessel by the Kite String Tangle. I absolutely fell in love with their song Given the Chance and decided to download the rest of their album. My new favourite song is now Stone Cold!

The next one is one I know every single person has been raving about lately, the Too Faced Chocolate Bar Palette. Even with all the good reviews I was still a bit hesitant to purchase it, since it was $65 from Mecca. But now that I have it I can honestly say if you don't have this one already, you definitely need to go pick it up! I think I've actually used it every day I've worn makeup since buying it. It's amazing for both every day wear and night time occasions.

Since we're on the topic of makeup, I would like to share my current go-to lipstick. It's a cremesheen by Mac and is called Pure Zen. It's the perfect "your lips but better" colour and I wear it when I'm not in the mood for anything bold or dramatic. As an added bonus it's also super moisturizing!

Being a uni student and coffee addict has made me buy a lot of coffee over the years, especially from cafes at uni. Going into my third year I thought it would be a good idea to purchase an actual coffee machine. I like to think it's saving me money, but I'm also intrigued by the many flavoured pods Nespresso offers. I am now the proud owner of a Breville Nespresso Inissia Coffee Machine! I chose the white one but they have so many bright colours.

It comes with a milk frother so you're able to make your own at home cappuccinos! I've used it twice already and am honestly in love with my new baby.

That's all my current favourites at the moment! I've already started planning future posts so hopefully they will be a bit more interesting than this one. Thank you for reading guys!


  1. Hey!
    I nominated you for the Liebster award!
    Check it out on my blog xxxx

  2. I fell in love with the Kite String Tangle when they worked with Adventure Club on 'Wonder'. You should check it out if you haven't heard it :) Great pick there and nice post!

    1. Oh yes I definitely will, thank you so much Emily! :)


All content and Images © Ailsa Short 2015